For the second captivating installment of this thrilling series, here’s a wee Hielan’ calf with her maw, also in a field in Tennessee. It was a very damp and muddy field, full of retired US army guys who were a bit too enthusiastic about drunkenly waving round broadswords for my liking.
Despite the damp and the proximity of lethal weapons that threatened to remove an ear at various points, it was an exciting day. Not only was there an authentic Scottish pie stand manned by a real Scot, but it was the first time I’d ever been anywhere close to any kind of Hielan coo. It’s just not something we do all that much in Glasgow. In fact, I would have happily sworn that we didn’t even have these hairy heifers in my hometown, but when I was in Glasgow in September, my mum took me over to Pollok Park and pointed out a herd of about 100 of them. She has a keen eye, that woman.
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